Plano Column Mailboxes
Column Construction, Repair, & Maintenance

Serving Plano, Frisco, & Carrollton, TX
Dual-Purpose Column Mailbox Designs
Since the beginning of time, mankind has been building with stones and masonry. Sadly, our modern perspective is sometimes limited because of what we view in catalogues. Let's broaden our horizons and be the first in our neighborhood to combine column mailboxes with planters, statue pedestals, weather vanes, and sundials.

Continuity and STYLE
Although it is true that each homeowner is solely responsible for procuring and maintaining their curbside mailbox; there is nothing in the rulebook that prevents us from doing so with style! The nice part about being a trendsetter is that others soon follow. It doesn't take long before the entire neighborhood looks like something out of Better Homes and Garden!
These creative neighbors elected to create bookend style mailboxes and to plant the floral beds in front of their retaining walls with blankets of wildflowers that tied the two properties together in a vividly colorful display.

Combining column mailboxes with accouterments such as lamps and address posts adds instant charm.

Sundials can be mounted close to the ground or atop a post. Either addition can be securely fastened to a column mailbox landing.

Hanging address plaques are simply CLASSY! Whether mounted from a wooden or wrought iron post, this kind of presentation honors bygone eras.

Combining column mailboxes with accouterments such as lamps and address posts adds instant charm.
Capped - A Great Idea!
The benefit of capping off the planter portion of a combo mailbox is that it becomes a secure place to bolt any number of yard accessories. Brick and stone landings are nearly as secure as cement for this type of application. For example, if you retrieve your mail late in the evening, how about adding a miniature yard lamp. Since so many are available in solar, there is no need to worry about running wires! The slideshow to the left contains even more ideas: A large roman planter, a sun dial, a weather vane, a package bin, a small flagpole, or even an attractive hanging address plaque. Each idea adds character and charm to your column mailbox.
The possibilities are endless; and we would like to once again honor our affiliation with In addition to mailboxes, they handle a wide assortment of weather vanes, sun dials, planters, flag toppers, and more! (If you click on the "go to" link on the expanded image, you will be redirected to Budget's page for that product.
Slide Show - Click on Images to Enlarge

Combine Column Mailboxes
with Retaining Walls
Create a Property Boundary that matches your landscaping elements.
Your column mailbox is a curbside sentinel. Why not extend this idea and create a raised bed garden within a matching retaining wall?
This driveway entrance is not just functional any longer - it reflects the homeowner's exquisite taste in the landscaping elements that sets their house apart!
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We're Here to Answer your Questions....
If you have any questions about whether a specific mailbox style can be integrated into your masonry mailbox column, please ask. Our masons are expert brick and stone cutters and will do their very best to match the mailbox of your choice with appropriately laid masonry. (You can link to our contact form by clicking HERE).